Experiments to Explore Electricity

SubjectGradeBroad Standard ReferenceStandard CodeStandard NameStandard
Health Education3Advocacy and Health Promotion3.3 (j)Safety/Injury PreventionDiscuss and develop a family safety plan to prevent injuries at home.
Health Education3Essential Health Concepts3.1 (j)Safety/Injury PreventionExplain safety rules at home . . .
Health Education3Healthy Decisions3.2 (j)Safety/Injury PreventionExplain the importance of following safety rules at home.
Science3Scientific and Engineering Practices3.1.a--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by asking questions and defining problems.
Science3Scientific and Engineering Practices3.1.b--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by planning and carrying out investigations.
Science3Scientific and Engineering Practices3.1.c--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data.
Science3Scientific and Engineering Practices3.1.d--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by constructing conclusions and explanations.
Science3Scientific and Engineering Practices3.1.e--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by developing and using models.
Science3Scientific and Engineering Practices3.1.f--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
Health Education4Healthy Decisions4.2--The student will describe health concepts and behaviors that prevent . . .injury . . .
Science4Scientific and Engineering Practices4.1.a--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by asking questions and defining problems.
Science4Scientific and Engineering Practices4.1.b--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by planning and carrying out investigations.
Science4Scientific and Engineering Practices4.1.c--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data.
Science4Scientific and Engineering Practices4.1.d--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by constructing and critiquing conclusions and explanations.
Science4Scientific and Engineering Practices4.1.e--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by developing and using models.
Science4Scientific and Engineering Practices4.1.f--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
Health Education5Advocacy and Health Promotion5.3 (k)Safety/Injury PreventionPromote safety procedures school-wide.
Health Education5Essential Health Concepts5.1--The student will analyze the impact of positive health behaviors and risky behaviors on personal health.
Health Education5Healthy Decisions5.2 (k)Safety/Injury PreventionExamine one's role and the role of others in causing or preventing injuries at school.
Science5Force, Motion and Energy5.2--The student will investigate and understand that energy can take many forms.
Science5Force, Motion and Energy5.2a--Energy is the ability to do work or to cause change.
Science5Force, Motion and Energy5.4--The student will investigate and understand that electricity is transmitted and used in daily life.
Science5Force, Motion and Energy5.4--Electricity flows through closed circuits.
Science5Force, Motion and Energy5.4a--Electricity flows easily through conductors but not insulators.
Science5Matter5.7a--Matter is composed of atoms.
Science5Scientific and Engineering Practices5.1.a--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by asking questions and defining problems.
Science5Scientific and Engineering Practices5.1.b--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by planning and carrying out investigations.
Science5Scientific and Engineering Practices5.1.c--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data.
Science5Scientific and Engineering Practices5.1.d--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by constructing and critiquing conclusions and explanations.
Science5Scientific and Engineering Practices5.1.e--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by developing and using models.
Science5Scientific and Engineering Practices5.1.f--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
Health Education6Advocacy and Health Promotion6.3 (o)Safety/Injury PreventionDemonstrate appropriate behaviors during lockdown, fire/evacuation, tornado, earthquake, and other safety drills.
Health Education6Essential Health Concepts6.1 (m)Safety/Injury PreventionIdentify strategies to prevent injuries . . .
Health Education6Healthy Decisions6.2 (m)Safety/Injury PreventionExplain the importance of accepting responsibility for personal actions to avoid risk-taking behaviors and injury.
Science6Earth Resources6.5--The student will investigate and understand that all matter is composed of atoms.
Science6Earth Resources6.5--Atoms consist of particles, including electrons, protons, and neutrons.
Science6Earth Resources6.9--Major health and safety issues are related to different forms of energy.
Science6Scientific and Engineering Practices6.1.a--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by asking questions and defining problems.
Science6Scientific and Engineering Practices6.1.b--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by planning and carrying out investigations.
Science6Scientific and Engineering Practices6.1.c--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data.
Science6Scientific and Engineering Practices6.1.d--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by constructing and critiquing conclusions and explanations.
Science6Scientific and Engineering Practices6.1.e--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by developing and using models.
Science6Scientific and Engineering Practices6.1.f--The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and engineering practices by obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.